Reliability in the Spotlight at PaperWeek 2021
The Annual Conference of the
Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry
March 5, 2021
Alain Pellegrino
Laurentide Controls
Reliability Track Leader
PaperWeek will continue to feature a full Reliability track with 3 dedicated sessions running from Monday to Thursday. The first two sessions will cover best practices with a variety of timely presentations and mill case studies, and a 3rd session, in French, will allow attendees and mill personnel to share best practices as part of a roundtable format.
SESSION 1, Monday February 8, 14:30 ET
Pulp and Paper Reliability Best Practices Case Studies
“Online Monitoring of Pulp & Paper Mill Equipment Health and Performance”, Mattieu Berlinguette, Laurentide Controls, & Charles Scott, Irving Tissue
“Implementation of precision maintenance in paper mills – train your new generation of maintenance technician today”, Mattieu Berlinguette, Laurentide Controls
“Mill Reliability Case Study”, Elsa Cantu, John Crane
SESSION 2, Tuesday February 9, 14:00 ET
Asset Management Best Practices in the Paper Industry
“Use of COD Analyzer Data for Improved Control of Aeration and Nutrient Usage in the Effluent System”, Kerry Betz-Stablein, Canfor Pulp
“Asset Management Best Practices in Pulp & Paper Mills”, Angela Badrieh, Laurentide Controls
“Leveraging condition monitoring technology and digital transformation, to increase OEE” Speaker to be confirmed, Spartan Controls
SESSION 3, Thursday February 11, 14:00 ET
Fiabilité – Table ronde (en français)
La transformation digitale Votre mission, si toutefois vous l’acceptez, est d’augmenter le taux de rendement global de votre usine, de manière responsable et sécuritaire, dans un environnement de pénurie de main-d’œuvre qualifiée. Mission impossible ? Est-ce que la transformation numérique (industrie 4.0) fait partie de la solution ? La transformation numérique a pour but d’augmenter la fiabilité et la productivité de votre usine, impactant ainsi les bénéfices de l’entreprise. Il est prouvé qu’une usine fiable fonctionne à moindre coût, tout en réduisant considérablement les risques d’accidents de travail. L’objectif de cette table ronde est de partager ce qui se fait présentement dans l’industrie des pâtes et papiers, les bons coups et les pièges possibles, dans le but d’identifier des opportunités qui auront un impact significatif sur vos opérations et qui contribueront à la réalisation de votre mission.
Visit for details on program and registration
A dedicated team of IT experts is ready to help you get the most of your virtual experience.
We strongly advise to register for the event prior to the start of the conference, as you will need to have an account created and credentials sent to you to be able to attend the conference sessions, tradeshow and networking platform.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of first Virtual PaperWeek Canada, aligned with the digitalization of the industry!